Category: PHP
Little Man Computer – Execution
So far, we’ve learned about the Little Man Computer architecture and how to write a simple program and assemble it into machine code. You likely already know how the code is executed due to the high quality comments I’ve included in that blog. Regardless, I built a simulator and spent quite a bit of time…
Little Man Computer — Assembly Code
Cover photo isn’t related, but it’s almost as interesting as my post. Machine Code vs. Assembly Code You’ll often hear these two terms used interchangeably, but they are not the same. People will often state that machine code is the actual “0’s” and “1’s” a machine executes, and that’s pretty close to being correct. People…
Little Man Computer – Architecture
Around a year ago, I built and threw a Little Man Computer (“LMC”) simulator, assembler, and a really crappy disassembler and put them up on GitHub. There’s another version in C++ up there as well, but it isn’t as fully built out or stable. “Computer Science” in my high school days consisted of keyboarding and…
Function: Identify Image
This is from a very old post of mine, posted for archival purposes. Ever decide you had to hide an image file and you decide to change the extension to something like “.exe”, or perhaps, you used something like Signal messenger and downloaded an image but it didn’t have a valid extension? Back in 2013,…
fopen() for Databases?
This is a VERY old post of mine from 2009 that I’m sharing for sport. This entry assumes that you have some prior knowledge of databases, PHP, or other programming languages. However, for those that don’t, I’ll try to sum it up in a way for visitors to understand. The statement “fopen”, or as PHP…